The mods there have decided to allow underage looking content, skirting close to CP. Unless we want such disgusting stuff on our feed, I think we should defederate from that instance.

Pinging @ernest as well.

    1 year ago

    In practice there’s two kinds of lolis IMO. there’s the stereotypic kind which is similar to chibi characters. there’s pretty much unanimous consensus that these should not be involved in nsfw. then there’s the “pedo bait” kind as mentioned, which is basically the anime equivalent of “recent 18” (but at any age). short, flat, youthful, not overtly a child.

    it seems obvious that lemmynsfw has banned the former, and allowed the latter.

    As for pedophilia: my stance is this: pedophilia is a mental disorder and those people should get medical treatment and help, CP of real people should be banned entirely and illegal. It is never okay.