One resident complained of pro-Russian collaborators with ballot boxes going from house to house looking for voters accompanied by armed soldiers.

Vladimir Putin will certainly win another term of office, but a high turnout would help the Kremlin’s efforts to legitimise his continued rule.

It would also be used to justify Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

    212 months ago

    Absurd that pointing guns at people to get fake support would be seen as any more legitimate than just having the soldiers do the fake voting themselves.

      32 months ago

      I imagine that it is the same reason that a robber chooses to become a mugger rather than a burgler, when the latter is far less risky: they enjoy the confrontation.

      Also it is the modern form of “lick my boot”, reinforcing in the mind of the recipient their own powerlessness.

    112 months ago

    While I understand how fucked up the whole thing is, it would be kinda hilarious if the people of the occupied region did vote in huge numbers and all wrote in some bullshit like “kermit the frog”.

    Obviously if that did happen, they would all mysteriously become votes for Putin at some point, but a guy can dream

    42 months ago

    “Dear voters, we worry about your safety! You do not have to go anywhere to vote - we will come to your home with ballots and boxes!” the Russia-installed electoral commission in the Zaporizhzhia region said on social media.

    It’s interesting that the ballot box travels to voter homes. In most countries, the ballot box stay in one location and watched by multiple independent witness to make sure there is no tampering.