Actually part of their IPO paperwork lists WSB as a potential positive benefit to the stock, in terms of having a clear userbase that will theoretically help sustain the value through shenanigans. That, to me, however, sounds like a securities violation waiting to happen.
I don’t check reddit anymore. Does WSB actually consider this stock to be, uh, actually valuable? Every corner of the internet I’ve seen discuss this topic have all noted how worthless they think the shares are going to be. My money is on them shorting it.
Actually part of their IPO paperwork lists WSB as a potential positive benefit to the stock, in terms of having a clear userbase that will theoretically help sustain the value through shenanigans. That, to me, however, sounds like a securities violation waiting to happen.
I don’t check reddit anymore. Does WSB actually consider this stock to be, uh, actually valuable? Every corner of the internet I’ve seen discuss this topic have all noted how worthless they think the shares are going to be. My money is on them shorting it.
I’m pretty sure wsb will short the fuck out of it, lose money in the initial rise, then someone will make a few million in the death spiral