Howdy all! Just finished another shift diggin’ for gold, and me beard is itchin’ for a new vein to explore. What mines games have you been spelunkin playin’ this week? Found any diamonds in the rough? Let’s swap some nuggets of wisdom in the comments below!

      7 months ago

      I haven’t played it, but from what I’ve heard Motorsport Manager is better at more bigger picture stuff, making your own team and building it from the ground up, more freedom with sponsors and youth systems and lower divisions and stuff like that. Maybe more mechanical depth in general.

      F1 Manager has stellar presentation, especially the race-day experience is superb. Official licensing, cockpit cam, radio messages and great graphics. I’m enjoying the in-race management too and feel there is enough to it to be entertaining. The development side seems fine, you can choose your focus with both car parts and individual attribute sliders. Finances has been a big challenge, with the budget cap being the main thing to consider. The game definitely seems to reward careful planning.

      I’m still at the tail end of the first season and have focused heavily on research for next year, so we’ll see how it pans out soon. The in-season development race has been a challenge year one (playing with both difficulties on Hard), and I’m hoping the AI continues to put up a fight. It hasn’t felt too easy so far.