I don’t like gravel. That’s it.

  • noisy
  • scatters all over the neighborhood.
  • hard to walk on
  • dogs and cats crap in it
  • kids chuck it around and put it in their mouth.
  • doesn’t even look good.
  • difficult and heavy to remove once you have come to terms will all of the above.

Gravel advocates… explain your case for gravelling your garden/drive.

Gravel sceptics, feel free to share your distaste.

  • lgmjon64@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    Yup, I have about 1000 ft of driveway I need to re-top. The cost of doing it in gravel is an order of magnitudes cheaper than any other method other than just regrading with a tractor, which would need to be done again in a year or two. The current gravel was put in 30 years ago and it’s just now getting to the point that it’s bad enough that I need to do it.