• FuglyDuck@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    It’s amusing you think I’m pro Trump.

    That’s hilarious.

    His stance on say abortion is split between his personal views and his political views. Like most things, I don’t think he’s capable of doing what’s necessary to protect our freedoms.

    Making abortion medication available through telemedicine does nothing to stop the erosion that’s currently underway, and even then, can- and will- be removed by the next Republican in office.

    His climate change agenda has been mere lip service compared to the oil production- which is record setting.

    He’s done nothing- to my knowledge- to actually protect voter’s rights.

    It’s taken his DoJ the better part of 3 years to get a warrant to recover extremely sensitive materials. They still don’t have all of it back. And it’s take. His DoJ the better part of 3 years to get a special prosecutor to investigate a man that started insurrection.

    You want to call me a troll? Fair enough. But don’t come crying to me when trump starts a second insurrection. Or you know, wins in November.

    I tried to warn you. But you wouldn’t listen.

    • Hominine@lemmy.world
      7 months ago

      So noble to warn us while advising we ignore the evidence of our ears from just yesterday. I know where Biden stands with respect to women’s rights and seeing you twist that position says everything it needs to. That you go on to think the president can pull all the levers of government by fiat is unsurprising and seems almost a feature here with the regularity that it is regurgitated.

      Anti-Biden to a degree with which one is compelled to lie or pro-trump is a distinction without a difference by my lights.

      • FuglyDuck@lemmy.world
        7 months ago

        I never said he could act unilaterally. I do think he could have done more, and didn’t.

        how much of this list is more to do with Harris, and people in the relevant agencies pushing for it. People like Becerra leading the HHS. I don’t know… I suspect a lot of it is actually from Harris’ contributions.

        I suspect that if he legitimately wanted to codify RvW, he would have gotten the filibuster suspended (he waffled on that, being apposed leading into it then switching,). There’s enough popular support to have done that, with exactly 2 senators holding out- Manchin and Sinema. they’re horse traders. and so is Biden.

        Or he could have supported packing the courts. (here we see his lackluster leadership.); never seeing RvW get overturned in the first place. McConnell has already shown he’d pack the courts if could get away with it. He already has.

        How much of that list, also, is going to go away the first moment a republican president gets into office? Some of it is already going to the courts (hence the bits about the DoJ defending it,). we need more than stop-gap executive orders and policies that can be reversed. And even then, you’ll notice that with the VA, they’re only providing abortion care for medical needs, or if it’s the result of rape and incest. the bare minimum.

        I don’t think he’s done enough. And I don’t think, if we give him another four years, he’s capable of doing enough. So yeah. call me Anti-Biden. That’s a badge I’ll wear happily. I don’t support people who support genocide, and that’s just one other issue. There’s also how he’s dove far-enough-right on immigration and border security, the GOP is trying to find new ways of being assholes.

        • Hominine@lemmy.world
          7 months ago

          You suspect Biden can do things that are politically untenable I suspect you support Trump and are just slinging shit against the wall. Perhaps we’re both wrong.