Their post announcing it, has comments disabled. I have been going on reddit looking for polls to vote “yes” to continue to participate in the blackout. This was kind of a bummer.
Edit: Looking at the mods most recent post, they’re still putting up a fight! And all new posts have 0 upvotes and I can’t see comments from RiF anyway. Can anyone else see anything from other reddit apps?
I predict a huge drop once the aps stop working. Anyone using RiF and having to switch to the Reddit ap is going to have a hard time. It’s really bad. I just opened it up because I haven’t used it in a while… Boom. 2nd entry down. Big fat ad. Took up the whole page. Awful looking ad too.
Don’t forget about privacy. The official Reddit app is worse than Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat.
I’ve never used the official app (used Relay on Android then more recently Apollo when I switched to iOS) and this is horrible.
I’m glad to see another Relay user! It’s underrated - it seems like a bunch of other apps get the spotlight, but Relay is still my favourite reddit app.