• bouldering_barista@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    I started transitioning in my 30s. I took YEARS before I ever came out to family/most of my friends. I took my time because I have kids and I didn’t want to rush anything. (Also, I had to build up the courage to come out haha). During the years of me socially transitioning I started updating my wardrobe to be more andro, started growing my hair out, practicing light makeup occasionally, etc.

    After a couple years I started feeling more ready and I started coming out to friends. Felt good, felt freeing to be able to be myself around them. Then I came out to my immediate family (parents, siblings , children)- by far the hardest part. Not long after, I was out at work. I do feel that me having a head start of two years of dialing in my hormones really helped make me coming out socially that much easier. I don’t regret taking my time on the social transition!

    Even after taking a coupl years before starting my social transition I knew there was more to come, and here 7 years later I do feel like I still am transitioning even though I’m passing pretty much all the time. Life is a journey, and transitioning is a long journey even when done well. No surgery or wardrobe change can make things happen overnight. I’ve enjoyed the journey and I’m excited for each year ahead as I continue 😊