After years of using reddit, i finally deleted everything including my account there. Personally, i am not affected by the api prices, BUT, i couldn’t live with me supporting people, who see their userbase, moderators and creators as nothing but noise. The point i’m making? Greetings Lemmy. I joined a few days ago and i’m here to stay so cheers everyone and, hi

    1 year ago

    This move is like the ranchers deciding that veal will sell for a higher price, so now we’re all being shackled so that we stay tender.

    I actually think this is far more absurd. The situation is more like the ranchers deciding to charge rent to the cows living on the farm. We’re not just the product being sold to advertisers, we’re also content creators - building their audience to sell to advertisers. And now if I want to access reddit through a third party, they want to charge about $30/year, plus a 30% markup for the app store cut. You know it’s odd, everyone is treating this as though the app developer is being charged this insane amount, but obviously they aren’t doing anything with the data commercially, they are simply conveying the information to us. We’re ultimately the ones being asked to pay the same as a Curiosity Steam subscription - a service that actually costs money to run and license documentaries, not a fucking text based forum where users create or link out to all the content- just to access a free website in a different way.