Conor McGregor has been accused of raping a woman at Game 4 of the NBA Finals earlier this month … but the UFC star says the allegations are not true.

    1 year ago

    Hard to believe that an untrained person would have escaped if he does not want them to

    People say this all the time, but it happens routinely in verifiably true rape attempts / accounts. A lot of stuff goes from super aggressive touching and grabbing that is borderline consensual and progresses very quickly into something else that the victim isn’t comfortable with, but the aggressor is too caught up in the moment or simply doesn’t care. Sadly fight or flight takes over and sometimes people just submit to the aggressor, and sometimes they go the other direction and fight back, and that can catch the aggressor off guard some times.

    A lot of victims will embellish the story for a variety of reasons: Counter intuitively, they think a “worse” story will be taken more seriously, and often they want to take back some sense of empowerment by claiming they fought back. I’m not saying this is a particularly believable allegation, there are so many moving parts with the way it was explained there should be a mountain of evidence soon in either direction if it’s true.

    Also, like, what would you expect Conor to do? Literally beat her to death with his fists?

      1 year ago

      I think you have some reading comprehension issues, my friend. My statement remains corrected. A smaller, weaker, untrained person has little to no chance to escape if the stronger, well-trained opponent does not want them to. The only reason some aggressors let go is that they do not want to escalate and face the consequences, but some aggressors do it anyway. Real life is not scripted like the movies.

      Your psychological analysis literally has nothing to do with my statement about fighting capacity, which is observations based on my own experience doing years of MMA. How you managed to inject that much mind-reading into a statement about fighting capacity in an MMA subforum is quite impressive, congrats on your liberal arts degree.

      Is Conor is a rapey douche? Yes probably. Is this woman pulling a narrative to get some quick cash? Also probably, now that the video is out and the fact that she skips criminal changes and right to settlement.