In Mastodon, we have the Covenant, which starts with:

“Active moderation against racism, sexism, homophobia and transphobia
Users must have the confidence that they are joining a safe space, free from white supremacy, anti-semitism and transphobia of other platforms.”

I have not seen proposals yet for a similar baseline of rules for Kbin servers, generally. Have I missed one?

Spammers are already here, and I assume nazis and CP types will become known soon unless there is a broad moderation/anti-harassment consensus explicitly stated. I do not know where the server is physically located, and which laws govern the content herein.

I think the server owner gets final say in all matters, but that the community here needs to drive this effort so that ernest can focus on the overall development roadmap.

How might we, as a community, come up with a code of conduct that builds a foundation to stave off rot for as long as possible?

    1 year ago

    There is no such thing as polite bigotry and it isn’t as agnostic as you make it out to be. Bigotry at its core is the belief that certain groups of people don’t deserve their human rights because of traits that can’t be changed. I also never said I advocated for banning all or even most value systems that don’t align with mine. I don’t care what others do as long as they aren’t forcing their beliefs upon others, advocating for the oppression of others, or otherwise cause harm. If you treat bigotry as a valid belief, you let it get a foothold. Once a significant number of bigots get into positions of power, they start to oppress people. Now lets say just for the sake of argument that it can be tolerated to an extent, I still shouldn’t have to be exposed to it on a daily basis. I try to understand things from other peoples perspective, but I will not emphasize with those who consider me inferior and undeserving of my human rights.

      1 year ago

      I try to understand things from other peoples perspective, but I will not emphasize with those who consider me inferior and undeserving of my human rights.

      You’ll never understand other perspectives if you deny them the ability to speak.

      Additionally, we know what happens when right-leaning people are denied access to mainstream platforms with their non-extreme, politically incorrect speech: they move to fringe, extremist platforms where they are radicalized and encouraged to engage in acts of violence and terrorism.

      I understand your frustration with conservative viewpoints on things like race and gender, but silencing them isn’t going to change their minds. I have very close family members who have never been further from changing their viewpoints because they’re never invited to discuss them, just told their views are unacceptable and they can either silence themselves, or go somewhere else. And so they abandon mainstream platforms and turn to fringe websites promoting violence, intolerance, terrorism, and more extreme forms of bigotry.

      Unless you would prefer those people to stop existing (that being bigotry as well), some tolerance of them is necessary. Pluralism is a net gain for all people, and is a two-way street.

      Again, I’m not saying violent or extreme rhetoric shouldn’t be prohibited by owners of Kbin or Lemmy instances. I’m simply saying that I don’t believe it’s healthy for only left-wing perspectives to be allowed in the Fediverse.

        1 year ago

        I never said that only left wing perspectives belong here, I only said bigotry shouldn’t be allowed. You can be conservative without being a bigot. And no, I’m not going to hear someone out if they think I shouldn’t be allowed to have any rights. I am a human being, and I deserve to be treated like one.