What’s been getting your goat this week?

Hayfever causing you to want to rip your eyes out? Office air conditioning too cold? Get it off your chest here.

  • juniper@feddit.uk
    1 year ago

    Yes to the hay fever although it’s not really my eyes, it’s my nose, throat and inner ears. It’s driving me nutty! Antihistamines make me feel rough as hell too, so it’s either don’t take them and suffer or do take them and suffer in a different way. I’m all for councils doing a bit of rewilding and I really want the bees to be safe, but I will moan about the pollen.

    Also, the twat across the road leaves his poor dog outside 24/7 all year round. It barks incessantly day and night, howls at every siren and generally sounds like a very unhappy dog. It’s upsetting.