
A distress call from Lt. Noonien-Singh compels Spock to disobey orders and take the USS Enterprise and its crew into disputed space, risking renewed hostilities with the Klingons in a bid to aid their shipmate.

Written by Henry Alonso Myers & Akiva Goldsman

Directed by Chris Fisher

A note about episode discussions on startrek.website

Right now, the plan is to post the /c/startrek discussion when the episode drops on Thursdays. Once the global community has had some time to watch and digest what they’ve seen, the /c/daystrominstitute discussion will go live on Sundays for a more in-depth analysis. This is subject to change as we evaluate what works best for the community as a whole.

  • JackPicardWonderkind@startrek.website
    1 年前

    The Broken Circle. Back to Strange New Worlds and Pike’s Dilemma and Una being arrested. Oh no.

    Beautiful opening shot of the station! wow!

    “Pike: … But even from afar I sense a tension here among the brass that I can’t pin down.”

    I know how you feel Pike. gestures vaguely at how we are currently at rebellion with our former ‘home’

    “Pike: Hey, you won’t have to leave space dock.”

    “Spock: What is the human expression? Famous last words.”

    Some foreshadowing there? Is Spock just going to have an easy time relaxing in Spacedock?

    Dr: M’benga: "When you unleashed your anger to combat the Gorn, you removed those blocks. Now all your emotions are flowing more freely. "

    Oh shit, is this setting up some more aggressive spock?

    “Dr. M’benga: You’ll just have to learn to live with them. Like we all do.”


    Uh oh, distress signal from La’An and Spock has to help out!

    “The answer is obvious. We must STEAL THE ENTERPRISE”


    “… Yes, you can always count on a Vulcan’s inability to lie. Another things I know about Vulcans. They don’t do things without a good reason. Do you have a good reason to steal the ship?”

    “Spock: I am having what humans call, a ‘hunch’”

    “A vulcan with a hunch, that’s a new one. And not just any Vulcan. Amanda Grayson’s Son.”

    Well shit, she knows Spock’s mom. What’s up?

    “If you’re going to steal a Starship, do it correctly!”

    I love this lady’s very dry sarcasm!!!


    “Spock: Vent the Nacelles on my mark.”


    “Oh I just noticed you don’t have a chief engineer!”

    "Be happy to sub in. Been a /Hundred/ years since I’ve gone out with Engines of my own. (A hundred years? Really?) It’s a long story. A really long story.

    “Spock: The Starbase will have to wait. Cajitar system. Warp factor 5. …”

    "Ortegas: You going to say it? Your thing?

    “Spock: My what?”

    “Ortega: Your thing. You know. Everyone in the chair has their thing.”

    “Uhura: Captain Pike always says: ‘Hit it’”.

    "My last captain liked to say “Zoom”

    “Spock: Do you have a thing?”

    “Ortegas: Well, I’ve been workshopping… ‘vamanos’ but it’s supposed to be about you. What kind of commander are you? All that. So no presh ;)”

    “Spock: I would like the ship to go. Now.”


    Those Klingon ridges are GORGEOUS

    I like how La’An was surprised by Uhura’s promotion, “Wait, you’re ensign now?!”

    “Chapel: Are you sure you want to do this again?”

    “M’benga: Again, no. But I’m not seeing a better choice.”

    And they hypospray themselves with that stuff that alters their physical power and kick Klingon ass wow.

    Chapel’s in serious distress, and M’benga has the really intense look in his eyes.

    Ortegas as snappy as ever, “70%” "Ortegas: Copy. That is the last time they dent our paint job. "

    M’benga being EXTREMELY practical about getting off the stolen (and soon to be destroyed) ship

    "M’benga: I can use the altitude jet to guide us away from the ship. (Only we’ll be dead) Not necessarily. It’ll take almost a minute for us to freeze to death. Don’t worry. We’ll pass out after 15 seconds. I know it’s a terrible idea. (Chapel: Yeah, it’s terrible. Let’s get to it then. )


    … and they’re FROZEN. And Chapel’s nearly dead :(((( Spock’s giving it his all!!

    “Spock: I waited for you. You do not die!”

    And we have an episode of near death! Our main characters are not immune from rough times. :|

    Spock plays negotiator real well with the Klingons, and all he had to do was throw down the bloodwine.

    “You drink bloodwine?”

    “Spock: I have been known to.”

    “This is something I must see. You’re no typical Vulcan.”

    "Spock: No. It would seem I am not.

    And our engineer has an ear for Klingon language.

    "Well, uh, listen, I think my Klingon might be a little rusty, but did he just say, “May your blood scream”?

    Spock: A Klingon toast the true meaning of which is becoming clear to me.

    “You want to know the worst thing about living almost forever? (The loss of those you love?) Oh you sweet un-vulcan Vulcan, no. That’s a pain shared by all who live with even a half-open heart. No. It’s BOREDOM. And on that ship of yours, there seems to be a shortage of that. I like it. I might even stick around.” … TO THE VULCAN WHO ACTS NOTHING LIKE A VULCAN!

    But alas, that Bloodwine resulted in quite a hangover.

    "April: Consider that hangover your punishment. But next time, it’s your commission.

    I like how we opened with a very contained episode. We got a lot out of M’benga and Chapel’s history.

    Poor Chapel recovering rom being frozen in outer space… And Spock’s doing his best to calm his emotions with music. May he develop some deep meditative songs to heal this ache.

    A beautiful dedication for our original communications officer.

    "For Nichelle, who was first through the door and showed us the stars.

    Hailing frequencies forever open."

    Beautiful start to the season.

    I guess Una’s trial is coming up.