Can be an app that exists on other platforms or a new idea, as long as you don’t mind sharing.

Since we’re still a relatively small magazine it might be fun to have a conversation starter as a sticky post each week. Next Saturday I’ll start a thread to collect ideas for the following week’s question!

    1 year ago

    4 or 5yrs ago I built a Banana for scale AR app, that I never published, where you could place a fairly realistic 3D model of a banana in a scene from your viewfinder.

    While jumping on a bandwagon a bit, the idea was to use it for a vague measurement of objects but it mostly just turned into the fun of putting pictures of bananas in random places.

    So if I ever get a Vision Pro… probably that.

    If normalising the use of AR headsets in public ever becomes a thing I think it could be fun to have virtual geocaches around… Provided it can be done safely.

      1 year ago

      virtual geocaches

      PokemonGo lol

      That might actually be a great app for making it normal to wander around in a headset.