No direct spoilers
I beat bg3 tonight. A zombie I didn’t know throws a party for me and the two other people in my party… Like 30 empty chairs. I think I missed a lot of the game.
I bet that zombie spent hours getting all that food, furniture, and a musician I didn’t know together.
Alfira died in my campaign so I was wondering if he was a placeholder for her
Yes…mine too…mysteriously… Sweats
Blood circle on the ground? What do you mean? That was always there!
No, he shows up either way. He’s actually a pretty cool character, but it’s super easy to miss because you have to go climb up on that pillar and basically demand to know who he is haha
Don’t think I met that character either 😐
Oh wait, googled, yeah, she died at the end of act 1 for me. Didn’t even last a night