Personally I would love a Corsair/Pirate themed job that uses a cutlass/pistol combo. Sort of an inverse Red Mage where you go melee to build up a gauge and then jump back to to a ranged burst. Also I don’t think we have enough Pirate aesthetics in the game at higher levels. I think it would also slot nicely into using Scouting gear alongside Ninja.

    1 year ago

    While it could be cool, the game design probably doesn’t allow them to do a whole lot of time-affecting stuff that would feel any more impactful than your standard damage spells on any other job. Speeding up party members might be doable, but I feel that can easily turn into a balancing and raid planning headache. Right now the game is so tightly coupled to the rotations having their bursts line up every two minutes, so anything that might change timings is likely to actually just reduce the overall DPS.

    And on top of that, any effect of slowing down enemies is just not going to happen because of the raid design where every boss is on a strict, preset timeline. Any alteration would just absolutely mess up a fight and something like being able to push back the enrage even just a few seconds would be incredibly broken and it’d be practically mandatory to have that job in the party.

      1 year ago

      I don’t disagree, but it’s fun to dream. My idea of it would actually be a dodge tank that uses things like Haste to increase evasion, but it wouldn’t really work either.

        1 year ago

        That’s definitely another good point, AST already has a lot of overlap with the theme so it might be difficult to create a purely time mage with a distinct enough feel.