I’ll keep this spoiler-free.
I enjoyed it overall. The atmosphere is fantastic and setting feels unique; I was mostly tense throughout my playthrough.
A remarkably short game (~3.5 hours), but I can’t complain as it didn’t overstay its welcome and I felt at the peak of the “high” so to speak. To me this is a neat little present that provided an interesting experience. The story was told well (for my potato brain) and was engaging. It’s nothing spectacular/complex/epic.
The “stalker” was spooky. Though you really don’t have time to admire it’s unwanted advances. I don’t think I can look at random holes in the wall the same way anymore. It’s okay, they’re too small for anything but oversized rats, right?
I do have some iffys on the spook factor though. The game got a lot more tense as I ran out of juice to fuel the lights towards the remaining 20% of the game. The stalker became more aggressive as opposed to coming out when you really had to use that brick to break down the door. But as I’ve mentioned in my thoughts about Amnesia, these things don’t really bother me because I don’t play purely for the “play”.
Compared to the rest of the series, the original Amnesia & Soma still stand at the top for me in terms of spooks and story, but this is still a fantastic game which I recommend if you’re interested in these types of games.
How does everyone else feel about it?
I think you are dead on and I couldn’t agree more. I think it was a great addition to the series.
Have you played the Penumbra games? It might be my nostalgia speaking but I think Penumbra (specifically 2) ws their peak. SOMA is great and I loved Amnesia and Rebirth (What I’ve played so far, I still need to finish it).
I am looking forward to Bunker though. I greatly enjoyed the demo.
I am playing it next on my horror stream. Can’t wait. Soma is one of my favourite horror games.
I recommend turning the lights off and keep the sound volume nice and crisp for full immersion!
Soma is great. I suspect this one is more gameplay focused than narrative focused though.