The effect off the blue walls is intriguing, not to be a geek but was this a setting in your slicer or a printer limitation? Just wondering because it really looks very cool like a woven effect I dig that!!
On a side note: God mobile Thingiverse is still awful. Shame what that site has become, no wonder printables now has an import tool.
The effect off the blue walls is intriguing, not to be a geek but was this a setting in your slicer or a printer limitation? Just wondering because it really looks very cool like a woven effect I dig that!!
On a side note: God mobile Thingiverse is still awful. Shame what that site has become, no wonder printables now has an import tool.
I added fuzzy skin in PrusaSlicer, but the walls were too thin and I used 0% infill. They drain really well!