I’m excited to learn more about growing from folks here. My main interest is market farming and astronomy. I’m in the totality path of the Apr 8, 2023 eclipse and have a solar filter ready for the telescope. Home darkness is Bortle 4, but getting worse. Expect posts about ducks, purple-hull peas, and farmers market economics.

  • Salamander@mander.xyzM
    1 year ago

    Welcome!! Those are some very healthy-looking garlic bulbs!

    Expect posts about ducks, purple-hull peas, and farmers market economics.

    Those are some great expectations you’ve set. I have been following a few mushroom growers on YouTube and some of them discuss their experiences with farmer markets. It is a topic that I am very curious about in general! The idea of growing something and then selling it directly to others is one that I find very romantic. When I lived in Oregon I used to visit a local farmer’s market and I really liked the feeling of community while shopping there. Now I live in the Netherlands and unfortunately haven’t encountered a market like that one.