It’s like planning committees. The best planning committee is a committee of one. I’ve run my own company for the last 25 years and the sheer pleasure of being able to dispense with all the corporate bullshit is immense. I’m supremely grateful. I remember sitting in morning meetings where someone would drone on and on for ages about something which didn’t concern me a bit. I felt like gnawing my arm off out of sheer frustration.
Yep. When India is 12 hours different and you have a bunch of people there, someone is starting at 6am for these large group planning exercises. They used to alternate it so we sometimes started our day at 6pm, but it was too late for people on the east coast when we did that.
I’ll kick us off…
All day planning meetings that start at 6am are a huge reason to pursue FIRE. I can’t wait for the day I never have to do this again.
It’s like planning committees. The best planning committee is a committee of one. I’ve run my own company for the last 25 years and the sheer pleasure of being able to dispense with all the corporate bullshit is immense. I’m supremely grateful. I remember sitting in morning meetings where someone would drone on and on for ages about something which didn’t concern me a bit. I felt like gnawing my arm off out of sheer frustration.
That’s appalling. Are you working across multiple time zones or something?
Yep. When India is 12 hours different and you have a bunch of people there, someone is starting at 6am for these large group planning exercises. They used to alternate it so we sometimes started our day at 6pm, but it was too late for people on the east coast when we did that.
Pain. Hopefully that means you’re off early as well.