So recently I’ve got a Mag Prime build all set for shield gating. I decided to set up a loadout for mag specifically since it needs a decaying key to work, but I realized it doesn’t even save gear? That seems really strange, it would be nice to have it save gear specifically for things like this, or maybe also have gear loadouts as well? I just know im going to forget to unequip decaying key and it’s gonna hurt me later. Also the whole process of making loadouts is weird, you have to duplicate your current one, then edit it after. And also if you forget to change a loadout and change the weapons on it, it changes the loadout, which seems odd. Really would love an update to this system.

    1 year ago

    I agree, it is weird. And nowadays it’s pretty complex if you take all aspects into account. Honestly, I’m too lazy to change things durings missions. I doubt DE will do major changes soon. At least we can have one loadout slot per each frame type…