Hey everyone, welcome my beauties!

We are working on bringing the wiki and other resources over to lemmy. The rules are posted, but we are relaxing some of them for now as we want you to jump in and post whatever is on your mind!

Ready, set go…!

  • getitoffmychestpleas@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    You asked for it! :D

    I. Am. Miserable. It’s been a few weeks of physical and mental hell. Hormone fluctuations still show up out of nowhere, 2.5 years into menopause. They mess with my digestion, which messes with my antidepressant, which triggers an HSV2 flare-up… my poor husband. He’s stuck with a bloated, exhausted, wiry-haired, whiny mess of a wife. I’m clinging by my fingertips because I promised him I would.

    • leftylibra@lemmy.worldOPM
      1 year ago

      I hear ya…digestion, gut issues (should I risk a cup of coffee today?), monitoring foods, figuring out when to take what medication and then how to counteract the side effects of that. Some days it feels like trying to juggle balls, when I can barely hold onto one. Keep hanging on @getitoffmychestpleas