Hi, I am totally new to 3D printing and want to have a printer. Budget is 400€. My background is computer science and programming and I want to be able to hack the device if I want but it should work fine OOTB (or with minimal effort). Which device would you guys suggest to me?

  • edjsage@lemm.ee
    2 years ago

    There are plenty of good budget printers these days. Most will work just fine out of the box (other than minor assembly) assuming you have done some reading and are ready to do some bed leveling. Even with fancier printers, you’ve got to be ready to trouble shoot and tinker. I have a couple Ender 3s that worked just fine out of the box, so I have no problem recommending them (though your mileage may vary). They’ve been modified since with auto levers and filament runout sensors for ease of use, but they worked fine to start with. If you go into it with appropriate expectations you’ll probably be fine with whatever printer you choose. Don’t go into 3D printing with 2D printer expectations. Tinkering will be necessary at some point.