Post your shave of the day for Monday!

    1 year ago

    Congrats! I don’t think that it gets better than a Gen1 Fili 14. For a Gen 1, the overall condition of your razor looks excellent! I’ve tweaked the edge on mine twice; first to correct a (very, very) minor geometry issue, then to go for ultimate thinness (the previous owner used tape - I normally go tapeless).

    I’d be astonished if this doesn’t stay in your rotation. I can cover 7 days of HoM with 7 straights. @djundjila can probably cover 7 days with 14 HoM soaps and 14 straights. Maybe this should be a thing.

    • Thank you! The only possible way it wouldn’t stay, is if the temper is trashed. So far, though, I don’t see anything to indicate that. Took a great edge and felt awesome all the way through, so fingers crossed!