2nd Update: Some well-known Lemmy servers are under heavy load from the reddit exodus. New users are encouraged to sign up at one of the following general interest Lemmy instead (in no particular order):

Most Lemmy servers are federated (linked together), so you can easily subscribe and participate here regardless of which Lemmy server you call home.


Hey everyone from reddit, welcome to our Menopause group! It’s going to be a bit of an adjustment, but we are resilient, (we are after all, menopause folk) and we will endure!

Over the coming days, as we learn this new platform, we will be updating information as much as we can. Thanks for your patience.

To answer some of the more frequently asked questions:

  1. Lemmy is a decentralized, reddit-like platform that is open source (free as in freedom)
  2. Lemmy servers, called instances, can be hosted by anyone, so no single person or entity is in control of our communities
  3. There are many instances to choose from; see the top of this post for the latest servers that are accepting new users
  4. Most Lemmy instances are linked together, sharing communities under one collective umbrella
  5. You can create an account at nearly any Lemmy instance, including those mentioned above, and you will be able to participate in the communities hosted by other Lemmy instances as if they were all part of one big community
  6. Lemmy is part of the fediverse, a collection of open and decentralized social network platforms; Mastadon, a twitter-like microblogging platform that recently made international headlines is also part of the fediverse

For mobile users:

  1. The official Android app for Lemmy is Jerboa (jer-BO-uh) which can be found on the Play Store or F-Droid.
  2. The official iOS app for Lemmy is Mlem; it is currently in beta so you’ll need to install Apple’s TestFlight and then open this link on your phone

As thousands, or perhaps millions of users are currently transitioning to Lemmy all at once, please be patient and remain open-minded to new experiences. Nobody could anticipate such a massive migration of users all at once, and many Lemmy instances are under heavy load at the moment. These are exciting times however, as we embrace a truly free and publicly-owned social network.

Over the next couple of days we will do our best to answer your questions and provide support here. Like Reddit, Lemmy is a collection of many communities. Feel free to stretch your legs and have a look around!

  • FritaBurgerhead@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Reddit refugee checking in! This was honestly the only sub I was panicked about losing. THANK MAUDE (and Mods, lol) we are gathering here. Hugs!

  • Merrybookishly@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Reddit refuge here as well and very glad for this space too. It took me a couple days to work through getting set up here now its going decently and I’m so excited to be here with everyone else!

  • drivingbythesun@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Glad to be here. I was mostly a lurker over there, but I’m really liking this place. This was one of the more useful subs I visited so I’m glad you are now over here.

  • knitapeace@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Hey y’all!!! Am I really going to completely delete my reddit account now? I think maybe I am! If r/dundermifflin shows up I’m going to be golden.

    EDIT: OH LORD I MISSPELLED MY OWN USER NAME WHEN I SIGNED UP!!! That’s hilarious and I am totally knitapease now. A whole new woman. LOL!!

    • leftylibra@lemmy.worldOPM
      1 year ago

      You bet! If you haven’t yet, you can subscribe as follows:

      If you are accessing this site from your desktop browser, the subscribe button is the very top right of the sidebar (big green button that says subscribe). If you are accessing it through the Jerboa app, select the bullet list icon (in the bottom left of the toolbar) and enter “menopause” into the search field. Select menopause from the results and press the big blue subscribe button at the top

  • Merrybookishly@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I have two respectful questions. Is the meno subbredit gone for good? It’s not turning up in searches on reddit. Has the board and community moved here permanently?

    • leftylibra@lemmy.worldOPM
      1 year ago

      All I can say at this time, is that we have joined the other 5,000+ subreddits in protest. We are here to provide continued support to our community, and we strongly believe that having a platform unaffected by corporate interests will serve everyone better in the long haul.

      Lemmy may be rough around the edges now, but so was reddit in its early days for those of us who remember it. The apps and website will only get better as more and more people come on board!

      • femmerockstar@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        Hey, any chance we can reopen the sub long enough to retrieve our saved posts? I had a catalog of saved posts that contained dosage info, charts, publication links and product links that I referred to all the time - all of those are gone and I’d love to be able to copy them to save for reading off-reddit.

      • Merrybookishly@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        I understand and I’m in support of the blackout as well. I was just confused on why I couldn’t even find the menopause board to check if there were any updates there, as I had seen none here about the board being removed completely. I appreciate your response and glad for the info about thus too.

  • MagpieRhymes@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Welp, here I am trying to quit Reddit cold turkey (at least for the 48 hour blackout). I do appreciate you creating an alternative for us, @leftylibra!

  • moneypenny_dreadful@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Not so bad…was able to subscribe and find the sub(sorry, community) just by searching. Not thrilled to extend my social media presence further with yet another login, but the old space was a wealth of info so I think it will be useful