There will be spoilers for the game and the DLC in my text and the comments

If you don’t want to be spoiled, play the game first, it’s a really really nice game that’s best when discovered

My favourite moment for the game (as for most players), was when I fetched the Warp Core and had to go to the Nomai Ship. The music made my heart beat so much, and the trip seemed so friggin long.

But my best discovery within the game is understanding how simply turning off the flashlight would be enough to make the quantum objects move. It was so satisfying discovering it for the first time.

  • Derrek
    2 years ago

    Having knowing nothing about the game.

    When I got into giants deep and saw the two things.

    “Wait, you mean I could have gotten down there the whole time?!?!?”

    I was expecting some item or upgrade, it felt like I just discovered penecillin or something.

    This followed by the DLC where all I had to do was literally take one step forward to solve a puzzle (into something) 😆