• Wintermute@lemmy.villa-straylight.social
    1 year ago

    This stuff is so cool! I’ve never seen any in real life, but I’ve seen a few pictures online and every time I do I’m intrigued. I have so many questions, but I wonder if you will do a short FAQ/intro to uranium glass post at some point anyway?

      • A few that come to mind:

        • How much Uranium is in the glass anyway? Should you even be holding that?
        • I think it only fluoresces like this under black light, right? Does it just look like normal glass in natural light?
        • Do they still make this stuff today, or is it all vintage?
        • Where do you find it? If it’s mostly thrift stores and that kind of thing, do they usually know what it is or do they just think it’s regular glass?