I am semi-reguarly going to the gym (2-3x per week, depending on the week), and I decided to try a home workout challenge this week, adding 15 pushups every single week from Monday. At first I was doing sets of 15 but I’ve changed my style with time to minimize sets and maximize intensity.

Monday: 15 Tuesday: 15+15 (30) Wednesday: 15+15+15 (45) Thursday: 20+20+20 (60) Friday: 20+20+20+15 (75) Saturday: 20+20+15+15+10+10 (90)

Today I gotta do 105 and am considering how I want to approach it. Or, I can cap it at 100 and try to just do 100/day. Do you guys feel like it would be better to do 100/day or continue trying to increase my reps? Or perhaps I should start incorporating different pushup techniques (narrower hands, diamonds, lower hands, etc)?

  • A_cook_not_a_chef@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    My answer is “it depends”. Are you wanting to continue to improve the number of pushups that you can do? If so, then keep increasing the number per day. If you want variety, change the type of pushup each set. If you are pursuing strength, switch to harder variations.

    I would also consider doing a pull to balance out all of the pushing. Especially if you plan to continue this challenge for a number of days/ weeks.

    I hope this made sense and was helpful!

  • FermatsLastAccount@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I’d go with different variations. Maybe switch to something like pike pushups and do those until you can do 100 of those in a day.

    C25K is a good casual cardio challenge. You’d start off with just walking and end with jogging a 5k.