Like the title says, I’ve got yesterday an email with a code to access my Microsoft account and that made me suspicious because I wasn’t trying to login to my account. When I looked at the login attempts I saw that someone else was trying to access my account, I changed my password, activated TFA. Thinking of going through and buying a physical key like yubico to further secure my account. Any tips are appreciated.

    11 months ago

    Hey so you actually can make it so an email address doesn’t log into the account, it’s how I stopped one particularly persistent hacking attempt when they finally managed to crack my password but were stopped by 2fa. Go to your profile > account info > sign in preferences, then as long as you have an alias email on the account you can deselect ones that you don’t want to be able to be used as a log-in.

    • stanka
      11 months ago

      With Microsoft I couldnt figure out how to enable 2fa against minecraft. Seems they do not have 2fa of any kind there and that is linked to your microsoft account. I guess the permissions there are just for minecraft, but if I was a betting man, I would venture there is a big hole there.