Nice job on getting the ball rolling.
Would be good to start to let others know to migrate over here. I think we will need at least 1000 here before it becomes active.
I reckon we’ll blow up once Rice or someone comes tbh
Just happy we have a place to migrate to!
Thanks for setting this up
Aside from not being down with the API fuckery, I’ve been rethinking all the time I spend on Reddit and I think I’ll migrate over. I want to keep up with Arsenal stuff while avoiding the other parts of Reddit that keep me hooked in an unhealthy way, so I hope this place grows and it feels as much like r/gunners as it can
Time to start actually grabbing tweets and posting them for f5 season
We probably also need mods lol is already here. Over time I guess the rest of the mod team will migrate.
who’s lemmy world?
That’s just the instance we’re on
I understand the word but not the context. Is ‘instance’ the name for a sub?
See Lemmy as like Email. Each instance is a provider like Gmail, ymail, hotmail, netvigator, etc. and your account is signed up on one of those providers, but you can interact with anyone on any email because we’re using the same protocol.
It’s the word used for ‘server’ or ‘site’ round these parts.