It’s your content, your curation, not theirs.

  • lol3droflxp
    311 months ago

    Is there any good place to host this data so people can still search it without having to use reddit?

    • clb92
      311 months ago

      so people can still search it

      See, this is basically why I probably won’t delete my Reddit comments and posts.

      Not to toot my own horn or anything, but I’d like to think that I have contributed at least a little bit and been somewhat helpful during my 11 years on Reddit, and I want people to still be able to find whatever they might want to find there, while keeping the context of it alive too.

  • rgb_leds_are_love
    111 months ago

    Yep. Just requested mine yesterday. As soon as it comes through, I’ll archive it.

    I won’t delete my account, because if there’s a chance my stupid posts and comments can help someone.