We want the right to privacy over our medical records. This means having control over our personal health information, who has access to this information and for what purpose.

We demand you to amend the European Health Data Space by:

  • Requiring explicit consent from patients regarding sharing of medical records for purposes not directly related to treatment(aka for secondary use)
  • Limiting the extensive categories of ‘health data’
  • Narrowing the scope of how this information can be used, and who can access it
  • maynarkh
    1 year ago

    One bad thing I could see is that this info could be sold to insurance companies, not just medical, who could charge and deny coverage based on that.

    Or just look at Visa and Mastercard being a faux-moral jackass and not dealing with porn sites. Imagine if they were able to deny you service based on medical history with drugs and such.