They were originally captured to be genetically manipulated for war, such as a more violent demeanor and body armor. The ship they were being altered on was destroyed, however, and sent the born and unborn Zountrone across space. The already hatched creatures died, but the eggs survived, due to their DNA being altered to survive in such conditions. About half of the eggs found themselves on new planets.

Appearances vary often given the planets they inhabit and the differing origins, but they are large, often tall reptilian creatures, often being bipedal in appearance.

Their names also translate to “live eat” in Greek, and well, they certainly do that.

Species a friend and I made a few years back (they also did the artwork). They were always especially good at drawing weird monsters so that’s something I wanted to carry forwards.

Oh, and I also made a community more dedicated to sharing specific individual characters, since iirc r/WorldBuioding usually had rules about that, so if anyone has any of those then feel free to put em there. CharacterDevelopment