In my world of Drio the Khentet-Sah are a group of nomads living in the Savannas and mountains of Khentet-Sah. They travel by horse, zeebra and elephant and eat wild tubers, antelope, deer, and grasses found in their homelands. They do some trade with outside groups as well. They live in extremely well designed tents that keep out the wind, heat, and cold of these hostile places. A tribe of 100 people will tend to stay in one area for no longer that 6 months.

    2 years ago

    My D&D World Dalgar:

    I’ve got a continent with an Asian setting. There is a Chinese-like empire as the main people on the east coast, a Thai/Vietnam-like people on the west coast, and Tibet-like Mountain People in the Western Mountains.

    But there is also a nomadic Horde with a Khan leading them. Actually a mixed breed between the Mongols and the Esteros nomads from GoT. They live in the wast steppe between the Western Mountains. They live there mostly in peace, but when their population outgrows the grazing grounds, they start to get restless and decide to wage war on their neighbors. They primarily fight the “Chinese”, as they are the ones that extend their realm into the steppe. The Empire keeps them at bay by sheer military power (they have not built a wall, though).

    West of the Steppe are the Western Mountains. The Mountain people have an elite troop of monks which the Horde can’t really fight, as their horses are no good in the mountains.

    Apart from the great rally and attacking the Empire, the nomads regularly plunder the West Coast People, usually right after harvest. But the west coast people have started to build a wall between the sea and the mountains at the south end of their domain, a move that greatly confused the nomads.