Last night she was coughing in a manner my asleep brain read as “gross”, so unconsciously noped the fuck out of there and slept on the sofa. I can’t believe my non-awake brain got it.
She tested positive a few hours ago, so now I just have 7 days to worry. I probably have it, I feel a bit off already.
I know that it’s more than most people, but she was wearing low quality masks, going to a non-safe dentist at peak times, and avoiding the booster. I’ve been nicely pushing her for years, and she brings this shit home. She’s also sorry, and I say it’s fine because I want her to feel better and recover, but secretly I’m fucking raging.
Sorry to rant. Better on Hexbear than out loud.
god this thread is trash, it’s like no one’s seen a vent post before (yeah yeah I know )
people can be angry without being 100% correct after doing a material analysis or something, sometimes they just want to get it out
Mods please, lock this thread so it stops being at the top of my damn home page hear our prayers!