• ristoril_zip@lemmy.zip
    8 months ago

    Most people are (probably correctly) treating this like attempted vote suppression by people who will definitely vote for other interests in 2024, or who otherwise stand to benefit from low US voter turnout.

    But I’ll take a shot at the premise: it’s suspicious that subsequent elections could be “the most important.”

    But it’s not really odd for “the most” to follow a previous “the most.” You are the oldest you’ve ever been today, and tomorrow you’ll be the oldest you’ve ever been. That will continue for your whole life. Most heartbeats ever. Most breaths ever. The longest modern humans have ever existed. The most times around the Sun Earth has ever traveled. On and on and on.

    There are more humans in America today than 4 years ago. Even if importance of an election to an average American is roughly the same, the aggregate import to all combined is going to be significantly higher.

    The real secret is that I think it will ALWAYS be the case that the next election is more important than the current one. But we only get to keep having elections if we keep voting.