It seems like there are about 22 27 46 219 320 493 1840 active subscribers here. I have a few questions for you all.

  • Which programming languages do you regularly use?
  • Which are your favorite to work with and why?
  • Which do you have interest in trying and why?
  • Neuromancer
    1 year ago
    • Prehistoric C++: Core language for my main project at work. Unfortunately we’re stuck with C++98, but it’s still a massive improvement on C.
    • C: For some of the older parts of the aforementioned project
    • Python: For test automation for the aforementioned project, also rapidly becoming the main language within the community that covers my secondary work project. I used to really not care for Python, but to the extent it displaces MATLAB I’m 100% in favor of it. I’ve also grown to really like it in the test automation role. The only thing I could wish for is that it had a mode that required type hints across the board.
    • Modern C++: Used for my other work project. While I do think that C++11 is a huge step up from C++98, I think the later standards have added a lot of cruft and very little value. Given the choice I would definitely take modern C++ over C++98, but I’d really rather be writing something like Rust
    • Java: This was a mistake I made years ago when I started a project as a very junior developer. Unfortunately I work in a research context where even as the junior developer I was still the most experienced developer on the team when it came to some things. We needed a REST API for this project and doing it in C++ didn’t seem feasible at the time (no idea if it’s better now). Some other teams in my org where using Spring so I jumped on that bandwagon. In hindsight, I wish I had written the API in Python since we’re slowly moving a lot of our C++ code into Python on that project now.
    • Shell: For automation that’s just a little too easy to bother with Python
    • Rust: Only used on hobby projects for now, but it scratches the same itch as C++ a thousand times better. The language itself is wonderful once you get used to the borrow checker and cargo is an incredibly valuable part of the ecosystem as well.