Like the type to unironically think Freemasons are the top dogs that control every faucet of society and every other sinister organization bows down to them. The ones who think they’re very smart and woke by saying some shit like “the media is trying to divide us…” They’ll see some socialist quote warning about bourgeois domination of the world and agree with it, but then have zero interest in actually internalizing the material reality. It’s like their entire brain is just based on random quotes and simpsons clips with red circles.

It is so intellectually lazy that I get whiplash every time I see them in the wild because I forget people like this exist. At least with right wing nut job conspiracies will have convictions whether they’re racist or antisemitic or just projection about pedophilia. Centrist conspiracy theorists’ just post some vague “I told you so” in the comments of YouTube and Facebook.

  • zzzeyez
    1 year ago

    they tend to see the dialectic of republican vs democrat and think “both sides are evil so i’ll put myself right in the center” completely blind to the fact that they’re letting two nearly-identical parties tell them exactly where to land.

    as a communist i see them as utterly lost liberals. not fun.