A great piece by Julia Serano on ‘male socialization’, and misunderstandings about transmisogyny.

  • heyoheyoheyyyy@hexbear.net
    8 months ago

    first thing i would stress is that trans people should be separated as two words, not transcomrades or transwomen or whatever. I only stress it because the academic transphobe contingent prefers the conflation of transwoman or transperson into a wholly new type of being rather than trans being a descriptive term, like brunette woman or tall person.

    for the rest, Julia is a fairly prolific writer and you could have your questions answered by actually reading the entirety of her work. I do think it’s weird to come to the trans comm and talk for an hour about how burrhus frederic skinner is being unfairly maligned by julia serano.

    What is the problem with most disenfranchised folks say in the last 5 years on articles or discussion boards engaging in pseudoscientific dismissal?

    i mean that doesn’t seem very good faith

    • IzyaKatzmann [he/him]@hexbear.net
      8 months ago

      Yeah you are completely write. That was severely inappropriate and irresponsible, not only in itself, also in the comm I am in with the audience I am in who always are subject to more abuse than those who are not like them. I see it was not in good faith, it was loaded, and it poisoned the well. I had believed in error I was creating a bound of time and keeping the subject sufficiently abstract while referring ti what I believed to be a real phenomena (one which I experienced and recall; which others may not or will not have and respecting their experiences would entail not making such sweeping bad-faith statements) to preclude the subject and focus on the object. I see now that it was wrong and I apologize. I’m really sorry I hope I didn’t cause harm or too much harm at the very least.

      I will use trans comrades from now on now that you have told me. I have seen:

      trigger warning, unseparated label

      ‘transfolk’ and believed it to be similar to ‘kinfolk’ which to my understanding is a broader or analogous capsulation of the term ‘otherkin’ which would include systems and alters

      I do not think you understood the point I brought up. It was miscommunicated. If you believe you did understand and I don’t know or have not successfully argued my own point, I’m afraid I cannot accept that wholly on faith and would appreciate an argument or points that indicate what you say is true. From my understanding of my point, unless I have little to no clue, it stands on its own though poorly and erroneously argued. If you insistent that is not the case, I think I might accuse you of invalidation and would say I hope you could try to accept that when I say I gave a point I really did, and that you do not know better than me what is in my own head and what points have been fashioned by my personal experience.

      You are right, it is weird, I’d say from other’s comments it’s disrespectful and I did not do the bare minimum and I am actually being tolerated rather well given my mistakes and errors.

      I do not appreciate you using the phrase “talk for an hour”. I already mentioned why this is particularly hurtful in the comment I responded to before this on in this thread, and really do not want to repeat or have to explain myself again why this is hurtful specifically to me.

      I do not think you fairly represented my point, you are of course well within your right to disagree. I won’t elaborate because I have already indicated that I cannot communicate effectively and do not feel comfortable writing more when ai have not fully digested criticisms and advice. It’s exhausting having to code myself. For this topic it would be too much for me at the moment. Then I simply won’t write anything to prevent the likely chance I will again misgender, write too much, miscommunicate, use a harmful label, and whatever else I did wrong or mistakenly.