• NotJustForMe
    8 months ago

    You should write a book. Some people might believe it. But in my opinion, it is complete bullshit.

    I believe in no God. There was never a god, and there will never be a god. A creature with powers? Maybe. I watched Star Trek. But a god? Creator of everything? Never. That is what atheism means.

    Yet I have to live with theists, and they yield a lot of power. Not god-given, but self-imposed. I’m not angry. But you talk about LGBTQ rights? Where is my right to ignore theist holidays? There are laws against that. IMO, you are the bigot. Talking about rights.

    And that is not a religion. And I’m not acting religious. I don’t see why you interpret that as being angry, but you are already trying to convert me to something of your liking, something that is in its core dividing and prone to create inequality.

    So no, I will not yield and simply say, oh, what gives. Religions are destroying freedom. Often on a state level. Much worse than the LGTBQ community has to face. Religion basically created the hate against LGTBQ. So don’t tell me to oblige.

    There is no god, so everyone acting in god’s name is misguided. They sometimes do good. Fantastic. And trying to defend freedom is not a religion either. Every animal does it. Humans just argue about it more.

    Nothing you say can convince me of a god. Not even a God showing up could. He’d be “god-like” at best. I do not believe in any god.

    • QuaffPotions@lemmy.world
      8 months ago

      I’m not trying to convert you, atheism is fine and has a lot going for it. So give the persecution complex a rest. Having to share a world where other people are granted their own rights, does not necessarily infringe on your rights. You think your freedom is infringed because people get days off on theist holidays? That’s like when straight people complain about gay marriage. Don’t like gay marriage? Nobody is forcing straight people to be gay. Don’t like theist holidays? Then don’t celebrate them.

      And you say yourself that if God themself came down, you would still not belief in God? That’s like when a Christian says that no amount of evidence contradicting the Bible can shake their faith in the Bible. The whole idea with atheism is to be skeptical and evidence-based. And yet here you are with a faith so strong it cannot be shaken by anything.

      Antitheists are as hypocritical and cognitively dissonant as carnists. Believe whatever you want, but here’s a reality check: there are as many religions as there are people. The world has always had a diversity of belief, and always will. You will always have to share this planet with theists. Any program that seeks the eradication of all but one religion will always be a hugely destructive and traumatic failure, because humans are always looking to disagree with each other and explore new possibilities. And yes, at a certain point atheism becomes a religion, particularly when it becomes dogmatic and institutionalized. You’re not special. You in particular have demonstrated a religiosity that is only comparable to the staunchest Christians.

      • NotJustForMe
        8 months ago

        You really do not get the point. Atheism does only mean to not believe in a single, almighty God.

        I have no problem accepting powerful aliens, extradimensional beings, or unimaginable creatures. As long as they can be proven not to be hallucinations.

        Whatever they are, they are not God, because God is some contradictory being thought up by people, conjured out of nothing, without relatives or ancestors. Religions based on such concepts are nonsensical in the least.

        The stories are inconsistent; the whole concept is ridiculous. No matter what comes down, I will not believe. Atheism is not a religion.

        I could accept religions being wrong, and that people mistakenly declared some alien to be God, and invented ridiculous stories around the concept.