Any recos for a starting kit (budget: ~500), HF/VLF/UHF, looking forward to eventually get my permit and transmit ad well? Linux-only desktop user

Based on readings so far RTL SDR kits with ham it up do not seem to fare anywhere as well as anyspy or sdr play. Wondering between these two which is the better iption and why, and is there a more modern alternative?

In the future I would also like to experiment on higher bands (Bluetooth/wifi/lte/5g), for that perhaps RTL could be an option?

    1 year ago

    Sdrplay does work on Linux. Unfortunately, the driver is closed source though. You will have to install it manually and possibly have to compile the software you use to enable that driver. Also, the driver is only available for X86_64 and ARM64, so if you are using any other CPU, then it won’t work.

    I have an SDRplay RSP1A and it works best using SDR++. GQRX works, but there is no low IF mode and no control over the filters or bias-t. CubicSDR and SDRangel work too, but low IF mode is buggy. The hardware is good, but I never would have bought it had I known the driver was closed source.