My mom is the opposite of that. She’ll reduce entire sentences to one or two words that are utterly incomprehensible without the larger context. Also, and this is more of a regional thing where i’m from rather than something specific about her, but when talking about other people she’ll often just use a generic slang in my language that just means “person” to refer to them, as if assuming i know who she’s talking about. So picture your story, broken up in 50 two word sentences, with all the names replaced with “that guy/girl”, except starting from the end, with me trying to work my way back enough to understand it.
My mom is the opposite of that. She’ll reduce entire sentences to one or two words that are utterly incomprehensible without the larger context. Also, and this is more of a regional thing where i’m from rather than something specific about her, but when talking about other people she’ll often just use a generic slang in my language that just means “person” to refer to them, as if assuming i know who she’s talking about. So picture your story, broken up in 50 two word sentences, with all the names replaced with “that guy/girl”, except starting from the end, with me trying to work my way back enough to understand it.