UPDATE, 2024/JAN/17: this address has been locked so mods only can post. Use the new one.

This comm is being moved to !linguistics@mander.xyz (Lemmy link) or /m/linguistics@mander.xyz (Kbin link). Same old topic, same old rules, same old mod. Different instance, focused on sciences. That’s it.

A few additional points:

  • Since the new instance only defederates other two instances, access shouldn’t be a concern.
  • I’ll keep modding both addresses concurrently, until 19/February/2024 (August Schleicher’s birthday), to give people enough time to migrate. In the meantime you can post in either but I’d like to ask users to use the !linguistics@mander.xyz address instead.

If you believe that it’s worth keeping !linguistics@lemmy.ml as a separated community, and wishes to moderate it, please say so in this thread. Or wait until the migration is over and ask lemmy.ml admins, whichever you prefer.

  • @cerulean_blue
    24 months ago

    I still don’t fully get Lemmy… If lemmy.ml is bad, which instance is good? I miss the serious political and science discussions on Reddit and have not found them here on Lemmy.ml

    • There’s tons of instances available. Personally I really like lemmy.dbzer0.com these days because it is much more libertarian (as in liberty and freedom of information, not American conservatism’s idea of “libertarianism”).
      And really it comes down to which instances and communities you choose to interact with, and less of which instance your account is on, as you can talk to the entire Fediverse from any instance.

      • @cerulean_blue
        4 months ago

        Thanks. But how do I find these good instances in the first place?! I think this is a big barrier to Lemmy adoption, it’s too difficult for newbies to get setup and find communities they are interested in.

        Edit: I’ve just found !trendingcommunities@feddit.nl