• Lvxferre
    25 months ago

    Got it - Lemmy vs. Wordpress integration issues. It’s weird behaviour but it makes a lot of sense!

    Another issue that I’ve noticed is across Lemmy instances: when I submitted that comment (from lemmy.ml), I’m almost sure that your other comment wasn’t appearing yet. It seems that there was a delay of at least 2h before syncing instances.


    Sorry, wrong person ☺

    • Informapirata
      35 months ago

      Another issue that I’ve noticed is across Lemmy instances: when I submitted that comment (from lemmy.ml), I’m almost sure that your other comment wasn’t appearing yet. It seems that there was a delay of at least 2h before syncing instances.

      Two hours in the fediverse is like the blink of an eye… 😁


      Sorry, wrong person ☺
