ADHD and autism are both strongly correlated with justice sensitivity. If you need an explanation for what that is, here’s a quote from this article:

Justice sensitivity is the tendency to notice and identify wrong-doing and injustice and have intense cognitive, emotional, and behavioral reactions to that injustice. People who are justice sensitive tend to notice injustice more often than others, they tend to ruminate longer and more intensely on that injustice, and they feel a stronger need to restore justice.

Do y’all experience this? If so, how does it manifest?

For me, I can’t see injustice and do nothing. Failing to stand up for my beliefs makes me hate myself, and I’ll usually do it even if I know it’s a bad idea or I’m surrounded by people who disagree–if anything, I feel more compelled to do it then. Since some of my beliefs are wildly unpopular, this often winds up in me feeling ostracized, rejected, and depressed.

I don’t know what to do about this. I can’t just not stand up for what I believe in–it’s clearly the right thing to do. But it’s a deeply unpleasant experience I keep repeating. I’ll choose standing up for my beliefs over not being hurt if I have to, but that doesn’t make it fun.

  • i_love_FFT
    1 year ago

    I’ve also observed this, yet I think it’s important to keep in mind that perception of justice can still be misleading.

    I (ADD + gifted) recently had an argument with a friend (gifted + possible TSA) about justice in the American voting system. She argued that it wasn’t fair to let people vote without checking their ID because some could vote multiple time. I argue that blocking vote l voting access wasn’t fair because it has been used to restrict some demographics from voting. Both our SO didn’t really care about either situation, saying they were not so bad…

    We both had sensitivity about the issue but it was a good remainder that higher sensitivity means that I’m “more right” than typical people on these topics…