Topic for discussion… I’m generally poor at using an appropriate amount of oil when cooking. If you use too little oil, the food tends to burn (not brown) and generally doesn’t cook as well or as fast. On the other end if you use too much oil the food ends up greasy. I tend to err on the side of too much oil, but I’d love to be schooled on how better to proportion the amount of oil I need in a pan when cooking something down.

  • Che Banana
    1 year ago

    look up what type of oil you are also using, for a good sear (proteins) or saute (veg) you want it to get to the “smoking point” don’t overload your pan, which brings down the temp & the item will absorb the oil

    drizzle oil into the pan after it is heated, this also helps you judge how much you need

    less for proteins, more for starch/veg

    also you can add more as needed, and even baste or finish with butter!