Is this a real bull run that will take us over $50k or just another pump and dump.

People I know I’m creating low effort posts, but I can’t find any active Bitcoin community in Lemmy to follow and I refuse to go back to Reddit. So we need to f*** start somewhere.

    -27 months ago

    We already have digital currency for the longest time, credit and debit cards. And those have been scammed almost as long as they’ve existed.

    What makes crypto immune to it in any way, when there’s literally a website logging all the crypto scams for everyone to read?

      37 months ago

      The bitcoin protocol has never been hacked. Every bitcoin scam ever reported involved people entrusting their bitcoins to a third party. If you keep your keys safe, your bitcoin cannot be taken from you.

        -27 months ago

        Exactly. You do realize quite a many scams are run via one form or another of ‘social engineering’ right? Bitcoin never needs to be hacked to hack into simple folk’s brains.