The RedReader app has been given accessibility status by the graciousness of reddit and will not have to shut down. The dev is not particularly happy about how fellow devs were treated though and still plans on adding lemmy in future. Read the announcement here

  • @couragethebravedog
    1811 months ago

    While I’m happy this happened I feel like this is basically Reddit saying “Look we are never going to make our app accessible, that’s why we left RedReader alone”

    • BlackCoffee
      1011 months ago

      It is free tooling for reddit.

      On the background they are probably developing accessibility tools themselves albeit crap versions of course, if it is developed by the same team that did the official Reddit app.

      It is extremely scummy because they will restrict the access for this specific App down the line when they don’t need it anymore.

      They are a bunch of scumbags really.