• oxjox
    1 year ago

    I agree with this.

    My general approach to someone whom I’m having a face-to-face discussion with is to ask questions. Tell me why you feel this way and how your ideas solve a (perceived) problem. Then I try to lead them outside the box and think with a broader brush. Is this really the solution to the problem or a solution looking for a problem.

    But, frankly, more often I just get a better sense of where they’re coming from and I find that we’re not so different. We have different ideas about tangible things but when you step further back, we have a lot more in common. It’s these echo chambers that give a distorted focus on our ideologies.

    I find that this is when our true core difference become more apparent. And here is where we can start having real discussions and negotiations about framework and policy. When you can find some respect for someone, you might find you want to help them, even if you never vote for the same representative. We do’t need to agree with each other but we should offer to help one another.

    Yeah… complete lack of respect for one another may actually be the greatest threat to our democracy. People don’t even want to consider offering respect to someone who doesn’t respect them first. I genuinely don’t think a lot of people even know what respect means anymore. Treat people like you want to be treated.

    When I was in third grade I was to catechism classes and had my first communion. The whole time I’m going I’m like, but what about Judaism and Buddhism, and Islam, and the Native American and Roman and Greek and Aztec gods? Who says Catholicism is the “right” religion? Granted, these are philosophies based in fantasy but the point I’m trying to make is that it’s extremely easy to stay within your echo chamber and not question what’s right or wrong or truth or fiction. The liberals love to lean on science to prove themselves right but they’re also the same people who wear “free range” as a crown when the chickens are still living in shit and believe paper and reusable bags are better than plastic bags (its complicated).

    Everyone is a product of propaganda / marketing / branding / advertising / political and religious greed / The Algorithm.
    All we will ever truly have is each other.
    Make peace with it.