Last week began with Rozemyne performing the spring baptism ceremony for the lower city’s new seven year olds, including her brother Kamil. Rozemyne has a chance to see her lower city family and Lutz after the ceremony has completed.

Rozemyne is summoned to an archducal family meeting to discuss Ehrenfest’s defenses. She is not assigned a particular defensive duty due to the necessity of her leaving for the Sovereignty in the near future.

During the meeting Rozemyne has a vision of Ferdinand being poisoned and paralyzed at Ahrensbach’s Mana Replenishment hall in a plot of Georgine’s design. The rainbow feystone charm that Rozemyne gave Ferdinand is helping to protect him, but Detlinde puts schtappe sealing bracelets on him and forces his mana to drain into the foundation.

Rozemyne is adamant about saving Ferdinand before all his mana is drained and convinces Sylvester to provide his support. They use the magic tool given to Aubs to have an emergency meeting with Aub Dunkelfelger. Rozemyne explains the situation to Aub Dunkelfelger and convinces him to join in her plan to take Ahrensbach’s foundation to save Ferdinand and also to help defend the Sovereignty from Detlinde’s plan to take the throne with Lanzenave’s support.

Aub Dunkelfelger and Rozemyne discuss the necessary preparations for their battle and decide to meet at midnight at Dunkelfelger’s country gate. After the meeting Sylvester receives word that Eckhart and Justus have escaped Ahrensbach and are in Ehrenfest’s tea party room at the Royal Academy. Sylvester agrees to contact the Royal Family and other duchies as well as to go meet with Eckhart and Justus. Rozemyne leaves to prepare with her retainers for the coming battle.

This week should see the end of the main story for this volume. What do you predict will still happen? Who’s point of view would you like to follow in the epilogue?

  • haganbmj
    1 year ago

    Ah right, that was mentioned. Maybe this will give her a chance to leave the estate and join the discussion despite the infant?